More about Guayusa and Red Fruits Tea Infusion
A healthy and benefitial fusion made from the union of the Guayusa plant’s energetic boost and the delicate and unique taste of red fruits. Both sourced materials are ethically harvested and dried in the process of making the infusion, and no other substances or materials are added to its formula, keeping it all natural and pure.
Guayusa, a caffeinated species that is part of the holly plant family, is natural to the Amazon basin area that encompasses Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia. It’s been present in the history of natural, traditional indigenous medicine for centuries now, and it’s frequently used in the making of therapeutic teas. Researches conducted in the past decade emphasise this plant’s stimulant agents, which makes all parts of the Ilex guayusa plant an organic source of energy that can be used to boost focus and stamina.
Suggested Infusion Time
3-7 minutes
Organic certified guayusa leaf, Andean berries, Hibiscus Flower
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