Nukini Pitaica Rapéh

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Nukini Pitaica Rapéh
Nukini Pitaica Rapéh
 20,00 Incl. VAT
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Discover the Strength of Nukini Rapé Pitaica

This chosen Rapéh draws its power from the bark of the Pitaíca tree, also known as Carapanaúba-Amarela (Yellow-Carapanaúba). This species (Swartzia platygine) is native to the Amazonian region of Acre, Brazil, and is a rare and special ingredient used by the Nukini in their most sacred shamanic medicines.

To create this exceptional snuff, the bark of the Pitaíca tree is carefully harvested and burnt to produce ashes. Many believe this material to be a powerful source of spiritual transcendence, aiding in meditation rituals and connecting with spiritual guides. It is considered to bring fervor and inspiration, boosting the spirit for greater harmony with the powers of Mother Nature.

Practitioners of traditional medicine explain that the strength of this rapé is capable of both lifting spirits and grounding the self, making it ideal for forming a deep connection with the present and increasing awareness of the world around you.

Who Are the Nukini?

The Nukini, self-identified as the People of the Jaguar (Povo da Onça), inhabit the region from the Juruá Valley to the Môa Mountain Range in Acre, Brazil. They belong to the Pano linguistic group and consist of four main clans: Inubakevu (Spotted Jaguar People), Panabakevu (Açaí People), Itsãbakevu (Patois People), and Shãnumbakevu (Snake People).

Their history is marked by adversity and conflict, particularly during the Rubber Cycle era, which brought great losses to their community and culture. Despite these challenges, the Nukini have established a stable socio-economic structure centered around fishing, hunting, and the cultivation of local plants and fruits. They actively work to reclaim and pass down their rich traditions and cultural heritage, teaching craftsmanship and sacred medicinal techniques, and fostering appreciation for their spirituality.

The Power of Rapé

Rapé is a sacred practice deeply rooted in Amazonian indigenous customs. It is not merely a remedy but a ritual and a ceremony, used to prepare for daily activities, hunting, and spiritual connections. Understanding its cultural and historical significance is essential for appreciating its benefits.

Creating Your Own Rapé Ritual

  1. Find a Sacred Space: Choose a spiritually meaningful place with positive energy that helps you focus.
  2. Ground Yourself: Center yourself and reflect on your intentions and what needs healing.
  3. Measure the Rapé: Use a pea-sized amount, and consider chanting prayers or hymns.
  4. Prepare the Kuripe Applicator: Scoop the blend into the nose-end of your kuripe, then tap it on a hard surface to remove air pockets.
  5. Application: Place the mouth-end in your mouth and the other end in one nostril. Lean forward, close your eyes, and blow hard.
  6. Experience the Moment: Feel the strength and power of the Rapé. Hold it in for a few moments before expelling it through the other nostril.
  7. Balance: Ensure both nostrils receive the medicine to achieve balance. Expel any fluids that may represent spiritual issues being released.

Enhance your experience with our handcrafted Rapé applicators!

Discover Other Kinds of Natural Healing

At Maya Herbs, we are committed to sharing ancestral sacred knowledge from our indigenous partners worldwide. We believe in respecting the power of Mother Earth, helping us grow and heal organically and naturally, benefiting both us and the planet.

All our therapeutic and artisanal products are ethically sourced and handmade. Profits support the sustainability and local production of several villages, sometimes aiding in reforestation efforts.

Join us in exploring shamanic expertise, the beauty of indigenous handicraft, the healing power of the Forest, and the unity of our cultures!

Additional information

Botanical Name: No selection

Weight: No selection


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Tribe: No selection


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